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How to Stop Killing Houseplants

Updated on April 22, 2013

Put an End to Houseplant Crimes

Let's face it - most of us are guilty of a houseplant crime or two.

Are you a serial plant killer? Have any houseplants expired under your watch? Are you afraid to care for another innocent plant life for fear you'll be an accessory to another senseless slaughter?

Finally, there is hope. A gadget is available that can provide a sure-fire method to keep houseplants green and thriving for even the most hideous plant perps. It's simple to use, inexpensive and just about fool-proof. Read on to discover how you too can turn over a new leaf and stop killing houseplants.

image credit-author

What's the Number One Cause of Houseplant Demise?

Death by Over Watering

It's a fact: more houseplants are killed from over watering than any other form of houseplant cruelty.

That's right more houseplants succumb to untimely deaths thanks to too much TLC.

You see, a plant needs water and without it, it will die. But, it also needs oxygen and it gets that from air pockets in the soil. Soil that is saturated with water contains little air, because the water has displaced the air pockets. Wet soil does not kill a plant as long a it's allowed time to dry out a bit. It's the constantly soggy soil that causes the problem. Continuously damp soil will rob the plant of oxygen and over time will suffocate the plant.

It's true: neglected houseplants often survive when overly pampered, heavily watered plants do not.

Photo credit - anthony gallo (Youtube) The Wacky Weed, a Walter Lantz Production

Rapitest Moisure Meter
Rapitest Moisure Meter

So When Should I Water my Houseplants?

Good Question

The symptoms for over watering are very similar to those of under watering and that's where all the problems begin. We see a plant drooping, fading in color or turning yellow and we assume it needs a drink quickly. Sadly, you would be misled if you thought it was thirsty. Instead, more often than not these symptoms are due to the plant choking from too much water.

Before you give your plants another drink, check the soil to see if it really needs more water. Remember, not all plants need water at the same time.

The best, sure fire way to know if the soil is dry is to use a moisture meter.

photo by author

Stop over watering. It kills.

Get Your Green Thumb Back Again

How to Stop the Killing Habit


Remember the mention of a gadget to help prevent unnecessary cruelty to plants?


It's a very simple, inexpensive moisture meter that accurately informs you if you should or should not water!


Of all the moisture meters on the market, Rapitest is my number one pick!

photo by author

The Rapitest Moisture Meter - The First Step in Rehab for Plant Perps

Statistics prove that more plants die at the hands of heavy handed waterers. This device will allow you to easily check the moisture level of the soil before watering. Come on, your plants deserve this.

No need to stick your finger down in the soil, just push the metal prob into to dirt to get an instant reading.

Rapitest Plant Moisture Meter - Simple to Use

Just insert the corrosion-resistant probe into the soil in your planter. Moisture generates electrical energy and will cause the meter needle to move. The plant moisture guide that's included with the meter will tell you exactly what the moisture reading for that particular plant should be.

Because moisture levels vary inside the planter, always take two readings in different locations. Insert the probe into the soil halfway between the pot's edge and the plant's stem. Push the probe 1/2 to 1/3 of the way down from surface level.

photo by author

OK, It's Time to 'Fess Up - We want to know.

Spill it...what's your plant transgression?

See results

Want to Learn How to Water a Plant?

Because death by over watering is a real problem, I've created a blog post on the subject of watering plants.

How to Water a Plant - 6 Tips for Success

Check it out if you want to learn a few plant watering secrets. Just click the link above.

Great Results with Rapitest

Healthy and Happy Plants


After using the Rapitest moisture meter for a few months I noticed a big improvement in my houseplants. The plant watering guide helped me understand that some of my plants prefer their soil very dry while others preferred more moisture. Once I got my plants on a individualized schedule, they started to flourish.


For the first time in 2 1/2 years my peace lily is bursting was blooms.

I hope you'll try this easy way to save your plants. I sure worked for me.

Photo Credit -Rapitest Soil Moisture Meter


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